Interval Pumping vs Rapid Interval Pumping — what’s the difference, and is it meaningful?
<p>This blog post was from Karl Wikman's PE blog. He is a moderator on the subreddit <a href="">TSoPE</a>
</p><p>His blog can be found <a href="">here.</a></p>
<p>And his reddit can be found <a href="">here.</a></p>
Sometimes I will answer a question deep down in a comment thread and realize it might deserve a brief post, so here’s one of those. The question was “What do you mean by rapid interval pumping?”
I will adapt my answer slightly for this post:
Regular interval pumping, with intervals in the 1–2 minute range or so is something I believe both BD and Perv do (which, probably, is due to the practical limitations of the electric pump both PMP and Massive Novelties sell, more than anything — 1 minute is the shortest that pump will do I think). That’s an excellent method, and I throw no shade on that, to borrow Hink’s expression. I believe that if the choice is between straight 5–10–20 minute sets or 1–2 minute intervals, the intervals will win every single time. I just believe there is a smidge more to gain from making intervals a little more rapid. Here’s why:
Rapid Interval Pumping (RIP) is sometimes called “dynamic pumping” (typical non-descriptive vague name, which I therefore don’t like). With rapid intervals we’re talking anything from just a few seconds of hold, up to about 20 seconds or so.
I do two kinds of rapid interval pumping:
- “Milking” for Erection Quality (EQ) and Recovery benefits, done at anything from 4–8 inHg (the domain I consider mostly “non-effective” pressure for gains), done flaccid or as flaccid as you can be under the circumstance. Interval length of no more than 3 seconds, with 1–2 seconds of pause. Draw in blood, release, draw in, release, etc. You do it because the streching stimulus is a growth trigger for the endothelium inside the CC, and because it brings in oxygen, nutrients and immune cells etc. It fills the same purpose of penile health boost as your nocturnal erections do, basically, but just… more so. You remember “Megalophallus Mike” from my interview? I suggested this method to him, and he has been very positive about the change it has made for his erectile dysfunction. I and others have noticed great benefits to EQ. Edit: I should add that another purpose with this kind of pumping is as “feeder sets”/”Shape retention” — they chub you up and remind your penis what size you want it to be, without fatiguing the tunica. You are pleasantly plump for a long time after.
- “RIP” for growth and tunica malleability: Done at pressures from 12 inHg up to 14–17 inHg if you are conditioned and tolerate it well, i.e. the pressure domain where you really get significant stretching forces on your tunica, i.e. where there can be fibril slippage and more growth stimulus to the fibroblasts. These intervals I do at anything from 6 seconds in length up to 15 seconds, with 2–3 seconds between. This is a stronger stimulus of mechanotransduction, and will — I believe, for empirical reasons — cause more matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) to be released and therefore boosts malleability more. Not unlike what tunica scraping and release massage will do, but just… more so. People who use the “group buy butt pump” for these are in love with the machine.
The beast
Neither of these are new inventions — people have done them for decades, and they have gone by many names.
One of the benefits of doing faster intervals is that you are much, much less prone to get blisters once you get down to the 6–15 second range, compared to the 1–2 minute range, so you are free to use pressures which cause more lengthwise and girthwise expansion forces. I have done 200+ sessions, where the final 5 minutes are at -15 to -17 inHg and not had a single blister.
There is a linear relationship between pressure and force, so whatever force you get at 10 inHg, that force will be 50% higher if you increase to 15 inHg. Which force you get will depend on the diameter of your penis (or of the cylinder in case you are packing it). Larger diameter, more force. Much has been said about -17 inHg being insanely high or dangerous. I personally don’t believe so because I have seen the graphs of human tunica tensile strength and also calculated the forces reached during pumping, but do not take my word for it and do your own analysis of the tensile forces — the equations aren’t difficult, and here is a convenient Desmos calculator for the longitudinal force (subtract something like 5–10% from the number if you are packing the cylinder).
Someone asked in the other thread about equipment, so I might as well write my answer here too:
Option 1. You can buy a “Goat Milker” from Amazon and use a pump handle to manually drop the pressure each time. That’s a great and relatively cheap option. I wrote a post about this pump:
Here is one cheap version — there are dozens if not hundreds of retailers for similar pumps:
Option 2. I believe one of LeLuv’s electric pumps can do short intervals — a “Magna Pro” or something? — but I’m not 100% sure about that one. I also think you could use a cheaper version of such a pump, or even the pump Massive Novelties + PMP sell, and just add a manual pump handle in the loop like I show with the goat milker. Then you can set that pump to a pressure and static hold, and just manually drop the pressure with the pump handle. The pump will notice the pressure drop and pump back up again. Will cause batteries to drain rapidly, which is why I believe a Goat Milker is the better option.
Option 3.
A great deal more convenient than either of these is to get a “breast & butt pump” — a pump sold for women for making breasts and butts bigger. We’re not the only ones doing enlargement, lol.
There are machines on and for instance.
(You might be able to find them cheaper — I just took the first two links)
There is a custom model which is basically a “team effort” by the DIY community with mr “Cowabunga” in the lead role. That model can do longer intervals than the original versions above — those go to 9.5 second intervals at most, whereas the custom one in its final form will go to 99 seconds. Current custom version goes to 60s, which is more than enough as far as I’m concerned.
There is a group buy discord, but Cowabunga will open his own web store soon and sell the “final form” of the pump, with features like dropping to about -2 inHg instead of dropping to zero (you can choose which), and also turning a vibrator on/off in time with each cycle of vacuum.
Why these butt pumps are great is because they don’t run on batteries, are very strong and fast, have a very simple user interface, and are relatively silent. All who have them love them, is my impression. But they ain’t cheap.
Option 4.
If you’re a real chad, you will of course be able to do this with a hand pump for some forearm work. It will make your Popeye muscles develop and your veins bulge. :)
/Karl — over and out