What Would Karl Do?
This blog post was from Karl Wikman's PE blog. He is a moderator on the subreddit TSoPE
His blog can be found here.
And his reddit can be found here.
I often get the question “what’s your routine bro?” — possibly the most common question in the PE community? I get anything from 5–15 DMs per day on Reddit and on Discord, and I estimate about 30% of them are about my routine, or people wanting feedback on theirs.
To that perennial question, there are several possible answers; the most honest one is that I have too much ADHD to be super consistent with any one routine, and I also fuck around with a lot of things because I need to try them in order to write reviews. I’m also extremely curious and want to try the next thing all the time.
Another answer is that I do have a routine. I do rapid interval pumping (RIP) and I do some pump-assisted clamping (PAC) interspersed here and there. I also add “milking” with even more rapid intervals but less pressure. I sometimes also do a session with my DIY PhalBack system, i.e. what could best be described as force-aligned vibra-pumping. Here and there I throw in a session of vibra-tugging, i.e. using an extender with a vibrator mounted on the crossbar to “tug” on the vacuum cup. In addition to all that I take a supplement stack to improve nocturnal erections and penile blood flow, and currently also rotate a few experimental compounds — a statin known to cause nocturnal erections and a 5HT-2C agonist (I don’t take them together, and I take neither for more than a few days in a row, so as to maintain sensitivity). That’s a very complicated answer, I know. Most of the time, I simply point people to my post about my two girth routines:
Sometimes people ask a more interesting question: “What routine would you do if time/privacy were not a concern?”
I love that question. I have answered it so many times I have a copy-pasta I use. This post is basically a version of that copy-pasta where I go into a little more nuance about the why and how:
First a word of warning: This is not for the faint of heart. It’s probably quite risky and could result in overwork, hard flaccid, Peyronies, penile fibrosis, erectile dysfunction, and infections — and I do NOT recommend anyone do this. It is, however, what I would do if time, privacy, and money were not a concern. When you read this, keep in mind that my sense of self-preservation is limited. Don’t copy this.
My routine would be built around AM and PM routines and there would be 5 days on, 2 days off each week. I would also do 3 weeks of work and 1 week of rest per month. I would also do 4.5 months of work and 1.5 months off (six week decons).
During the days and weeks off, I would not do PE, but I would pump for erection quality — I call it “Milking”. This entails pumping with extremely rapid intervals (2–3 seconds on, 1 second off) at what I consider non-PE pressures of around 6–7 inHg. Such sessions are 15–25 minutes long, and I would aim to do them 2–3 times per day during days off. The reasons for the many longer 1-week and 6-week pauses are part for recovery, part to stave off strength adaptation in the tunica.
During days when I do PE, I would start each morning with such a session of milking. I would also do some milking around noon.
The 5 days on would have the following schedule:
Days 1, 3, 5: girthwork
Days 2, 4: lengthwork
Weekends off.
Lengthwork days would be the following:
30–40 minutes of time under tension with a vibra-tugger such as the vibra-hog by HonestPE. A grey vibration motor mounted on the crossbar. I would use TotalMan vacuum cups with Curveball’s Middle Reliever sleeves. (I’m not getting paid to recommend them — I am not affiliated). I would do 10 minutes on, a few minutes off, and generally turn the vibration off whenever I get too erect, which is a problem for me when vibra-tugging. The first 10-minute set would be at slightly lower tension and done bundled. The reason for bundled work is that it really softens the tunica. The reason for the tugging is that the many stretch-events are growth triggers and also that collagen fibril slippage and breakage of crosslinking happens dynamically, not statically.

After these lengthwork sessions, I would simply leave the vacuum cup on and use it with an all day stretcher (ADS) for 4–8 hours. I like TotalMan’s knee-strap for this, but others would work as well. The reason for ADS is simply shape retention; you don’t allow the tunica the opportunity to bounce back after the intense session in the morning.

I would wear a heat pad around my D for at least part of this ADS time.
I would sneak in a session of milking at noon and at night before bed as well, so on length days there would be three sessions of milking in total.
Warning — here is a very NSFW video of milking in action:
Girthwork days are where things get a little more interesting:
In the morning I would do a milking session. Same at noon. I might occasionally make the AM session a real RIP session at higher pressures in an oversized cylinder if my skin condition was good.
In the early afternoon I would do the real session:

- 12–15 minutes of rapid interval pumping with vibration (vibra-RIP) — similar to the PhalBack protocol, but not identical. There would be three sets of 4–5 minutes. 1st set -10 inHg, 2nd set -13 inHg, 3rd set -16 inHg. 12 seconds at pressure, followed by 3 seconds dropping to 6inHg. Vibration would be tuned to give large excursion, probably around 20 Hz, but it varies with the pressure. For this I would use my DIY PB system with a custom-tapered cylinder and a soft and safe flange. The cylinder would be tight, so mainly allow lengthwise expansion. This is because I mainly do this part to stimulate the release of matrix metalloproteinase from fibroblasts in the tunica in order to soften the collagen and make it malleable for what comes next:
- 20–30 minutes of PAC; Pump-Assisted Clamping with my Fenrir Clamp (a slightly improved and more versatile version of the Python they used to sell when they worked with M9 — and a Python would work just as well for this, they are both top-notch products). Obviously with an oversized cylinder on top to allow for girth expansion. I have described the PEC routine in greater detail elsewhere, so won’t repeat myself here. I will add that I might use an infrared heat pad wrapped around the cylinder to further aid malleability.
- And here is where things get really interesting: Immediately after the intense vibra-RIP+PAC session I would put on a couple of silicone toe shields to act as a gentle constriction ring, and then inject 2.5–5mcg PGE1 into the side of my penis. This is a potent vasodilator which will cause the penis to become erect and stay erect no matter what you do. The trick lies in getting the dose right so that you stay erect for no longer than five hours. I would aim for between 3 and 4.5 hours. The toe shields would come off after 10–15 minutes when the PGE1-induced erection was fully established. The reason for doing this session in the afternoon is that you never want to fall asleep before the erection has faded, since that is unsafe and could result in erectile dysfunction for life and even worse things. You also want a vasoconstrictive agent on hand to inject should the erection go on for six hours without showing signs of fading. Also be prepared to go to the ER if the vasoconstrictive agent does not work… As I said… this is not for the faint of heart!

Along with the PGE1, in the same syringe, I would inject BPC-157 — (Body Protecting Compound, a 15-peptide long molecule shown to be anti-fibrotic, promote nitric oxide synthesis, and improve tissue repair).
During the chemically induced priapism event, I would apply a topical ointment consisting of PEG400 (as a carrier/solvent), 5% DMSO (as a skin permeability enhancer), and 1mg of the active compound CF-602, which I have written about previously. It’s a potent stimulant of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) and promotes smooth muscle health. It has done wonders for rat penises — I’d be curious to see if it does similar miracles with human penises.
The purpose of the chemically induced priapism is to mimic the priapism events that give people like Megalophallus Mike (the nice dude I interviewed who has a 10+ inch girth penis) their insane size gains. PGE1 injections alone are known to cause PE gains, but I would use them as a form of shape retention. After an intense PE session when the tunica is weakened and malleable, the induced erections will not only hold the tunica inflated at that size, they would cause it to further expand. Furthermore, the low blood flow during such priapisms are in themselves a hypoxic stimulus and up-regulates VEGF.
The caveat? Well, even though 33G or 34G needles make the process of injecting relatively painless 95% of the time, there’s always the 5% of times where you hit a nerve and it gets intensely painful. There’s also the matter of the PGE1’s potentiation of pain receptors. After an hour or so, these chemical erections get quite… uncomfortable. It’s a dull ache which is bad enough that some people need to take kratom or similar potent pain killers. I would try to make do with paracetamol and aspirin. Of course, there is also the matter of potential fibrosis at the injection site (one of the reasons for using CF-602 and BPC-157), and the small risk of infection whenever you use needles — mitigated by using an alcohol wipe.
Three such girth sessions interspersed with two length sessions per week… After that, my D would need the weekend for rest and recreation. :) Note, however, that it would be active rest with 3 milking sessions per day to stimulate blood flow, bringing in nutrients and the immune system.
As if all of this isn’t enough work, I would use an ultrasound device to bust the fat cells in my fat pad. A good time to do so would probably be some time during the first hour of the PGE1-induced erections, and immediately after each length session once I was strapped into the ADS.
Such fat-busting with ultrasound cavitation lipolysis is best if done at a caloric deficit, so I would of course make sure to keep a strict hypocaloric low-carb diet during all this, and to make sure I hit my proteins and veggies.
My supplement stack would be the same as it is today, geared at reducing systemic inflammation, maintain endothelial health and nitric oxide production, etc:
1200–1800mg NAC
1200mg ALCAR
600mg ALA
1000mg Taurine
High dose Omega-3
At night before bed:
5mg Cialis
6grams of Citrulline (without malate, important!)
On and off, I take a further prescription medicine known to cause intense nocturnal erections.
Now, this routine is what I would do if I had unlimited privacy (which I don’t) and unlimited time (which I also don’t). I have done all parts of the routine, often combining elements of them, but I have never been able to keep a routine like this simply because I don’t have the house to myself. I can get interrupted at any time since I have a wife and kids — so having 4–5 hour erections 3 nights per week simply isn’t doable in my situation. Some of the protocols make noise (the vibra-tugging extender is the worst culprit, but the vibra-RIP gear isn’t exactly whisper quiet either). I also have a job to go to, and milking each day at noon isn’t feasible for that reason.
Let me repeat once again; don’t copy this routine. It’s a very advanced routine, and experimental in nature. Elements of it (the PharmaPE stuff with the injections) are potentially dangerous. Even bundled vibra-tugging is probably dangerous, and pump-assisted clamping should be approached with caution. But this is the rather elaborate answer to the question “what would Karl do” — I hope you have enjoyed reading it.
/Karl — over and out